
👨‍💻 Vidhya03 - Full stack engineer

The Secret to Developer Productivity: Discover SDKMAN

Introduction SDKMAN is a command-line tool for managing software development kits (SDKs). It simplifies the process of installing, managing, and switching between different SDK versions. It supports popular SDKs like Java, Maven, Gradle, Groovy, Scala, Kotlin, and more. Tip Personally I use for maven gradle and Java (JDK) SDKMAN provides a centralized repository of SDKs with various versions. It automates the installation and configuration of SDKs, saving developers time and effort.

Getting started with MetalLB - A Load Balancer for Kubernetes on Bare Metal

Introduction MetalLB is an open-source load balancer for Kubernetes on bare metal hardware. It solves the problem of load balancing in bare metal environments, where it’s not natively available, leading to scalability and high availability limitations. MetalLB supports layer 2 and layer 3 modes and can be customized to work with specific network topologies. It’s a reliable and scalable choice for organizations running Kubernetes on bare metal hardware.

Instantly Set Up Your Development Environment with DevContainer's One-Click Setup

Introduction 👋 Are you tired of dealing with frustrating issues when setting up a development environment on a new machine? Or struggling with collaboration problems due to different setups across team members 👥👥 ? With DevContainers, you can: ✅ Define a set of tools, configurations, and dependencies in a Docker container 🚀 Instantly set up your development environment with just one click 🌀 Create consistent and isolated development environments that can be shared and reused across different machines and platforms In this blog post, we’ll explore the features and benefits of using DevContainers.

Using HAR Files to Improve Webapps Performance

Introduction: As a 🌐 website owner, ensuring a seamless user experience is vital for the success of your business. However, despite your best efforts, you may receive feedback from users about slow 📈 page load times or other performance issues. This is where HAR (HTTP Archive) 💎 files can be a valuable tool for developers. In simple terms, a HAR file is a log 📄 of all the network ✅ requests and responses made by a web page .

JHipster from main branch

💡 JHipster from main branch 👨‍💻 💕 Introduction What is JHipster JHipster is a development platform for building modern web applications, mobile apps, and microservices in Java and JavaScript. It provides a set of tools and workflows that make it easy to create applications using popular frameworks such as Spring Boot, Angular, React, and Vue.js. With JHipster, developers can quickly generate a full-stack application with a modern front-end, back-end, and database layer, along with user authentication, authorization, and security features.

K8s Useful Commands

Useful k8s commands 💡 💕 Table of contents How to create pods How to view all objects in k8s How to find or count the number of k8s objects - namespace, pods, service How to delete or terminate the pod force Print lables of an object or pods How to create pods How to create pods 1 2 kubectl run podname --image imagename This command will create a nginx pods